Voting with your Left or Right Brain
seventh and last past of the Teeter Totter of the Brain series is coming. Due
to the coming election I wanted to get this idea out. I’ll get the last post
out in the next week. Then, I’ll go off this brain stuff for a while.]
side of your brain will probably pull the lever when you vote on November 6. Each
side of your brain holds a world view separate from the other. If you are living
in the left side of your brain, you will probably vote conservative. If you
vote for the liberal ticket, you’re probably using your right brain. This
election is as divided as the country; as split the two sides of your brain. If
we all continue to live in one side of our brain or the other, we will remain
front part of our brains is divided into two hemispheres, called the left and
right brain. They think differently. It’s not about what they do, but how. It’s
about process rather than function. Simply, the left brain focuses on one thing
at a time, while the right brain takes in everything at once. These ‘one at a
time’ versus ‘all at one time’ processes create conflict. Each side offers unique
and necessary abilities; they collaborate on all advanced tasks; and they fight
for control. [For
more information on this read my series on The Teeter Totter of our Brain.]
division between the left and right is deeply entwined in our culture. We
didn’t know the sides of our brains controlled the opposite sides of the body
when we began calling the Republicans the Right and the Democrats the Left
otherwise we would have reversed it. In the past thirty years, the liberal/progressives
have become more solidly in their right brains, while the conservatives have
dug into their left brains.
Voting with your
Right Brain
right brain likes new ideas and multiple solutions. Thinking “all at one time,”
it entertains different points of view. It sees the grey area of all arguments.
This is the reason the Democratic Party has a hard time getting behind one
idea. All ideas should be given consideration.
right brain argues that since there is not one right way, individuals should have
choice. How can we choose for you when there is no such a thing as a right way?
“all at one time” helps you to see the commonality between yourself and the ‘other.’
You become more accepting. The right brain includes those who have become ‘other’
in the society, including Women, African-Americans, Latinos, and Homosexuals. The
right brain embraces this paradox that while you are different you are still
part of us. We live in a pluralistic society where the existence of many groups
makes up the one society. The right brain is feminine in thinking.
right brain emphasizes the group over the individual. It promotes that we are
all working together to make this country and we must help all of the members.
The right brain tends toward socialism and supports systems that allow everyone
to be treated the same.
right brain takes in stimuli from the external world. It supports the evidence
of science though is wary of the abstract theories of scientists. It sees
itself as a part of and entwined with nature. This drives liberals to fight for
the environment.
Voting with your
Left Brain
left brain looks for the right solution and commits to it. It does not like and
cannot hold many solutions at one time. It considers each one internally/abstractly
and then picks the best course of action. Once a decision is made, the left
brain does not to change its mind. It detests flip flopping. It knows that its
choice is the right one and everyone needs to get in line. This is one of the
reasons the Republican Party does not allow its members to stray from the company
line. The Republicans got behind Mitt Romney, now they have to minimize their
conflict about his ever changing positions.
Christian Right and all orthodox monotheistic religions feel at home with left
brain thinking. Believing in one God to the exclusion of all others has become
very left brained. Since there is one way, individuals don’t need choice. There
is the right way and the wrong way. Who would want to choose the wrong way?
“one at a time” nature of the left brain emphasizes the individual over the
group. It was interesting how during this year’s political conventions, the
Republicans touted the ‘self-made man’ myth while the Democrats sold the ‘we are
all in this together’ myth. It was a classic example of the right-left brain
split. The left brain emphasizes the similar and familiar over the different
and other. Those who are not part of the inner group are shunned and
left brain is better at math and symbolic numbers than the right brain. It emphasizes
the fiscal over the personal. Money becomes an abstract thing in and of itself
rather than a symbol for stuff and services. The left brain also loves competition.
Put it together with its favorite symbol, money, and you have the left brain’s
favorite game: Capitalism.
left brain is classified as being masculine in thought and practice. It
supports the patriarchal dominate system and puts women in their place. The left
brain system loves the systems of class structure and gender roles.
left brain has an odd relationship with science. The scientific method has
given rise to the left brain. It loves the abstract thought and worked well with
the “one at a time” focus on specific experiment. It can really buy into cause
and effect. However, it doesn’t handle the notion of multiple causes well. When
confronted with an array of causes, it rejects the theory because it can only
focus on one thing at a time. The left brain returns to its preformed, abstract
ideology over the multiple evidence of the senses. This is why the left brain
has trouble with climate change and evolution even though it had a hand in
creating both theories.
Your Right Brain
on Left Wing Media
the political parties might not ever think about their left or right brains,
they sure know how please and engage the side of the brain they need to get the
left wing loves new media – image, sounds, and multiple platforms. You have to
use your right brain to entertain new ideas and new technology. And it loves images.
Images play on the right brain better than on the left. The rise of the right brain
can be attributed to the rise of image over the last century from photographs,
to films, to television, to the internet. The rise of the web and smart phones
has made the world more interconnected proving the idea we are all the same.
left wing media knows the parts of language that engage the right brain. Metaphor,
irony and humor fill liberal news programs. When that doesn’t clinch it, they
go for the empathy. Sadness, joy, desire, hope and possibly even love live in
the right brain. You have put yourself in someone else’s place to feel empathy.
This requires a mind that can compare two different states and find the
commonality. This is very right brained.
Daily Show with Jon Stewart is a great example of right brain media. It is full
of jokes, parody and sarcasm. This language requires a high level of right
brain thinking. As he introduces a story an image pops up that usually juxtaposes
two images or an image and words. The more the mind is called on compare
disjointed ideas, the more the right brain seizes control. The audience is in
on the joke. They know it is a comedy show and not a news show. They become
part of the insurgency. They are undermining the dominant political paradigm because,
well, it’s stupid.
Your Left Brain
on Right Wing Media
Wing Media prefers old media. They include television though they were wary of
it at first, preferring radio and print. They do not like the lack of corporate
control over the abundance of media. They attack the new media and raise doubts
about its veracity. They tell you that the new media cannot be trusted. The old
media, their media, is the only one that is trustworthy.
emphasize word and language over image. The left brain loves the text crawl because
you can’t disengage the left brain if you are constantly being asked to read. They
tell you that the news you get from them is not nuanced and lacks spin. These
are the straight facts. They tell you to trust them as the source of right thinking.
good example of this is Fox News. Every news story is urgent, something you
must know and understand. They let you know that if you don’t continue to watch
you will miss something that could threaten your life. By watching them you are
one of the selected, the elite, and the knowledgeable. They speak out against
those who would try to take what you have and your country away. They are the ‘other’
and the enemy. They play on fear and anger that dwell primarily in the left
brain. Fox News is engineered to be addictive and to increase fear. It plays
well with the extremes of the left brain.
Why we are
the last thirty years, we have become more divided as a country and as a
people. The competition between the two sides our brain have teetered and
tottered from one side to the other. In the 2000 election, the two sides stood
at a knife’s point. The left brain won, barely. The patriarchal, conservative
view of the world dominated leading into fear, war and near financial collapse.
While the pendulum swung toward the right brain in 2008, we are once again at
the knife’s point. The two sides of the
brain see the world differently. It’s like they are living in two parallel universes.
challenge of our age is to see if we can maintain a balance between the sides
of our brains. We need both ways of being to continue to evolve. If the left
brain dominates in time we will descend into an autocratic society, a
dictatorship, war and, finally, another dark age. If the right continues to grow
to overshadow the left, we will descend into anarchy, illiteracy, fiefdoms and
end up in another dark age. The middle ground is finding the balance between
the two sides, holding the opposites views to be valid and necessary at the
same moment.
you pull the lever to vote next Tuesday, consider the two sides of your brain. Is
one side determining your vote over the other? Is there a vote that balances